Cambridgeshire Buses to Overhaul: Mayor Confirms Franchising System

Cambridgeshire Buses to Overhaul: Mayor Confirms Franchising System

Major changes are coming to Cambridgeshire buses in 2027, with the network becoming publicly controlled through franchising. Cambridgeshire Buses to Overhaul: Mayor Confirms Franchising System Big changes are coming to buses around here. They will soon be run differently. The bus network will become publicly controlled. This is called franchising the system. We should see…

New Developments in Mayor’s Limo Controversy After Committee Reviews Complaints

New Developments in Mayor’s Limo Controversy After Committee Reviews Complaints

Dudley Council is reconsidering its decision on the mayor’s limo after complaints arose, sparking a debate about the mayor’s role and budget cuts. New Developments in Mayor’s Limo Controversy After Committee Reviews Complaints Dudley: So, there’s been some drama over the mayor’s limo. The council initially decided to get rid of it during budget cuts.…