Rare Deer Fawn at Bristol Zoo Project is the Height of a Cereal Box

A rare Philippine spotted deer fawn has made its debut at Bristol Zoo, bringing joy to visitors and hope for its endangered species.

Rare Deer Fawn at Bristol Zoo Project is the Height of a Cereal Box
Rare Deer Fawn at Bristol Zoo Project is the Height of a Cereal Box

Bristol: A super cute deer fawn has just made its first appearance at the Bristol Zoo Project. This little guy is a Philippine spotted deer, and he’s pretty rare. Keepers say he’s healthy and doing well, which is great news!

He’s only about 30cm tall, which is roughly the same height as a cereal box. Can you believe that? Sadly, there are fewer than 700 of these deer left in the wild.

The fawn’s parents, Eugene and Pandora, came to the zoo in June 2023. They were brought together to help with breeding efforts for this endangered species. It’s exciting to see them become parents for the first time!

Will Walker, the zoo’s Mammals Curator, shared how special this moment is. He mentioned that every new arrival is important, especially for a species that’s struggling in the wild. Eugene and Pandora are adjusting well to parenthood, and the baby is feeding nicely.

The zoo has been working with local communities in the Philippines since 2014 to protect these deer. They’re focused on reducing illegal hunting and preserving the forests where these animals live.

Now, the zoo is asking for help in naming the fawn! They’ve come up with three names that reflect their conservation work. You can vote for your favorite on their Facebook page. The options are Laserna, Maliit, and Bulahan.

If you want to learn more about their conservation efforts, check out their website at www.bristolzoo.org.uk. It’s a great way to support wildlife and get involved!

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/rare-deer-fawn-bristol-zoo-9877984
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Environmental correspondent focusing on marine life, climate change, and oceanic exploration.