Caught Burglar Claims Biscuit Craving After Doorbell Camera Footage

Doorbell cam caught Sebastian Hart, 44, on Portland Avenue in Peterborough. He claimed he sought biscuits before being arrested.

Caught Burglar Claims Biscuit Craving After Doorbell Camera Footage
Caught Burglar Claims Biscuit Craving After Doorbell Camera Footage

A video doorbell helped catch a burglar. The victim got a notification and opened his door. He saw Sebastian Hart, age 44, on his porch. This happened around 5:40 AM on August 19. It took place on Portland Avenue in Peterborough. Hart said he was searching for biscuits. Then, he left the property.

The man checked his security footage later. It showed Hart trying van door handles before entering the porch area. The van sat parked right outside the house.

Hart also tried stealing a bike that day at another house on Portland Avenue. Someone saw him and stopped the theft.

Police arrested Hart on August 28 on Eastfield Road. Hart had cannabis, a hammer, and a knife. He lived on Cromwell Road in Peterborough.

A court sentenced Hart to prison on Monday, February 3. His sentence was 23 months long. He admitted to several crimes, including burglary and possessing drugs, a knife and a weapon. He interfered with a vehicle too.

Detective Constable Matt Reed investigated the case. He thanked the victims for reporting the crimes, which led to Hart’s arrest and identification. Burglary matters to the police, and they will pursue suspects.

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Environmental correspondent focusing on marine life, climate change, and oceanic exploration.